Today’s Erosion and Sediment Control Tip: #13
Wattles (logs) are often used for several practice such as
Check Dams, Inlet Protection, Slope interrupters, Sediment Barriers,
etc. Wattles function primarily by ponding water, reducing velocity and
erosive energy, and allowing coarse sediment particles to settle out of
suspension. One thing often overlooked with a Wattle is that the fill
material is often lighter than water and thus has a tendency to float. The
research at Auburn University - Erosion and Sediment Control Testing Facility
has found that this is easily overcome my pinning the wattle with “u-shaped”
sod staples. Staples should be place on each side of the wattle about 5
or 6 inches apart. Make sure to catch several strands of the mesh with
each staple. Stop the float, slow water down, and catch some sediment.
Erosion & Sediment Control Program Coordinator